
Application 1:
The Q
URE inserted into two
individual tracks
Application 2:
The Q
URE between playback
and recording unit
to treat a final mix
1.Processing single instruments or vocals
To process single instruments or vocals insert the two separate
URE channels into the specific inserts of your console to process
two signals independently.
Note that the MASTER switch will bypass both channels
together. Use the bypass switch of each filter band when proces-
sing two independent sources.
You can also insert the unit into the master breaks during
mixdown or into the sub-groups, when specific elements of the
mix are being treated selectively.
When patching the Q
URE into the sub-groups or master-breaks
of the console, note if they are switched ‘pre’ or ‘post’ fader. They
should best be switched ‘pre’ fader, so that a variation of the
master fader does not affect the input level of the Q
URE.The effect
level and the treated sound will then remain unchanged.
2.Processing final mixes
To process a final mix, either while mixing or during post-
production prior to cutting insert the Q
URE into the master
inserts of your console or right in between a playback and a
recording unit.
The special characteristics of the Q
URE allow you to add weight
and punch to the bass end of a mix or to lift harmonic detail out
of the top end of a mix, without inadvertently adding harshness
or muddiness to the sound. In this respect, the Q
URE can produce
results every bit as dramatic as those achieved using sub-bass
synthesizers or harmonic generators, but without adding distor-
tion to the original signal.
Right channel into Qure input 2
Left channel into
Qure Input1
Output 2 into recorder in R
Insert send channel Y into Qure input 2
Insert return channel Y
Insert return ch. X
Insert send channel X
into Qure input 1
Outp. 1 into recorder in L