15–22 Mathematics Programs
Program Listing:
Program Lines:
(In RPN mode)
Defines the beginning of the polynomial root finder
Prompts for and stores the order of the polynomial.
! L
Uses order as loop counter.
Checksum and length: 5CC4 9
Starts prompting routine.
Prompts for a coefficient.
Counts down the input loop.
Repeats until done.
! L
Uses order to select root finding routine.
Starts root finding routine.
Checksum and length: 588B 21
Evaluates polynomials using Horner's method, and
synthetically reduces the order of the polynomial using
the root.
! L
Uses pointer to polynomial as index.
Starting value for Horner's method.
Checksum and length: 0072 24
Starts the Horner's method loop.
Saves synthetic division coefficient.
º %
Multiplies current sum by next power of x.
Adds new coefficient.
Counts down the loop.
Repeats until done.
Checksum and length: 2582 21
Starts solver setup routine.
Stores location of coefficients to use.