Messages F–3
% !!
Attempted to refer to a nonexistent program label (or
line number) with
, or {
Note that the error
% !!
can mean
you explicitly (from the keyboard) called a pro
label that does not exist; or
the program that you called referred to another
label, which does not exist.
The catalog of programs (
} )
indicates no program labels stored.
SOLVE cannot find the root of the equation using the
current initial guesses (see page D–8). A SOLVE
operation executed in a program does not produce this
error; the same condition causes it instead to skip the
next program line (the line following the instruction
Warning (displayed momentarily); the magnitude of a
result is too large for the calculator to handle. The
calculator returns ±9.99999999999E499 in the
current display format. (See "Range of Numbers and
Overflow" on page 1–16.) This condition sets flag 6. If
flag 5 is set, overflow has the added effect of halting a
running program and leaving the message in the
display until you press a key.
Indicates the "top" of program memory. The memory
scheme is circular, so
is also the "line"
after the last line in program memory.
Attempted to execute
variable or
variable without a selected program label. This can
happen only the first time that you use SOLVE or
after the message
, or it can happen
if the current label no longer exists.
# !#
A running program attempted to select a program
label (
label) while a SOLVE operation was
#1 #2
A running program attempted to solve a program while
a SOLVE operation was running.
A running program attempted to integrate a program
while a SOLVE operation was running.