Functions and commands 365
Statistics 2Var app functions
The Statistics 2Var app has a number of functions. Some are
designed to calculate summary statistics based on one of the
statistical analyses (S1-S5) defined in the Symbolic view of
the Statistics 2Var app. Others predict X- and Y-values based
on the fit specified in one of the analyses.
PredX Predict X. Uses the fit from the first active analysis (S1-S5)
found to predict an x-value given the y-value.
PredY Predict Y. Uses the fit from the first active analysis (S1-S5)
found to predict a y-value given the x-value.
Resid Residuals. Returns the list of residuals for the given analysis
(S1-S5), based on the data and a fit defined in the Symbolic
view for that analysis.
Resid(Sn) or Resid()
Resid() looks for the first defined analysis in the Symbolic view
Do2VStats Do 2-variable statistics. Performs the same calculations as
tapping in the Numeric view of the Statistics 2Var app
and stores the results in the appropriate Statistics 2Var app
results variables. Sn must be one of the Statistics 2Var app
Symbolic view variables S1-S5.
Do1VStats(S1) executes summary statistics for the
currently defined S1 analysis.
SetDepend Set dependent column. Sets the dependent column for one of
the statistical analyses S1-S5 to one of the column variables
SetDepend(S1,C3) sets the
Dependent Column field
for the S1 analysis to use the data in list C3.