366 Functions and commands
SetIndep Set independent column. Sets the independent column for one
of the statistical analyses S1-S5 to one of the column
variables C0-C9.
SetIndep(S1, C2) sets the
Independent Column
field for the S1 analysis to use the data in list C2.
Inference app functions
The Inference app has a single function that returns the same
results as tapping
in the Numeric view of the Inference
app. The results depend on the contents of the Inference app
variables Method, Type, and AltHyp.
DoInference Calculate confidence interval or test hypothesis. Uses the
current settings in the Symbolic and Numeric views to
calculate a confidence interval or test an hypothesis. Performs
the same calculations as tapping in the Numeric view
of the Inference app and stores the results in the appropriate
Inference app results variables.
HypZ1mean The one-sample Z-test for a mean. Returns a list containing (in
• 0 or 1 to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis
• The test Z-value
• The input value
• The upper-tail probability
• The upper critical Z-value associated with the input α-level
• The critical value of the statistic associated with the
critical Z-value
HypZ1mean( ,n,
Mode: Specifies which alternative hypothesis to use:
• 1: <
• 2: >
• 3: ≠