
Hitachi Gigabit Router GR2000 Series Enhanced Version Configuration Commands, Vol. 2
3-2 GR2K-GA-0014
Ver. 07-02
To delete an SNMP Manager:
To display registered SNMP Managers:
Description: Specifies the SNMP Manager community name.
Default: Undefined (but cannot be omitted).
Rangeofvalue: Sameas
. See Table 2-1, in
GR2000 Configuration Commands, (universal CLI) Vol. 1.
Description: Specifies the SNMP Manager IP address.
Default: Undefined (but cannot be omitted)
Range of value: Specify IP address (dot notation) in <SNMP manager IP
address> or specify IPv6 address (colon notation) in <SNMP
manager IPv6 address>.
Description: Sets the MIB operation mode for the specified SNMP Manager.
When -read is specified, Get Request and GetNext Request are
permitted. When -read_write is specified, Get Request, GetNext
Request,andSet Request are permitted.
Default: read
Range of value: read or read-write
Description: Sets the trap transmission mode for the specified SNMP
Manager. When none is specified, no trap is performed. When
trap is specified, the standard trap is enabled. When ex_trap is
specified, both the standard trap and the private trap are
enabled. The individually specified trap is issued when
selection_trap is specified.
Default: none
Range of value: Select none, trap, ex-trap or selection_trap
Description: Sets the transmission level of the system messages for the
transmission mode is ex_trap or system_msg_trap.Table3-2
displays the list of system messages to transmitted by the
private trap depending on the level specified by this parameter.
Default: 9
Range of value: 1 to 9 (decimal) is specified in <Level>.