Hitachi Gigabit Router GR2000 Series Enhanced Version Configuration Commands, Vol. 2
5-86 GR2K-GA-0014
Ver. 07-02
mpls: duplicate explicit_route_name ’<ER
The name is in existence. Use the explicit_name which is not used
other blocks.
<ER name>: Specified route name
mpls: duplicate label_switched_path_name
’<LSP name>’
The name is in existence. Use the label_switched_path_name which
is not used other blocks.
<LSP name>: Specified LSP name
mpls: duplicate l2transport Duplicate definitions.
mpls: duplicate lsp path to same destination
The LSP to the same destination is in duplicated definition.
<Address>: Specified address.
mpls: duplicate lsr This is a duplicated definition.
mpls: duplicate platform_label_range This is a duplicated definition.
mpls: duplicate topology_driven This is a duplicated definition.
mpls: explicit_route is empty with used ’<ER
The empty explicit_route is used.
<ER name>: Specified route name
mpls: interface not found at ’<Interface
The specified interface does not exist.
Set the interface name correctly.
<Interface name>: Interface name
mpls: invalid platform_label_range value
’<Label>’ not in range 16 to 1048575
platform_label_range value is out of range. Specify label value within
the range of 16 to 1048575.
<Label>: Label value
mpls: invalid platform_label_range value
’<Range>’ not in range 16 to 1048575
platform_label_range value is out of range. Specify within the range
of 16 to 1048575.
<Range>: Range value
mpls: invalid vpn <VPN> IP configuration
<VPN> of IP information <Name> is invalid. Set proper <VPN>.
<Name> Name assigned to the configuration definition information
<VPN> VPN defined in the configuration definition information
mpls: l2transport not specified ’<Interface
The L2 transport is not set.
Set the L2 transport in the line definition.
<Interface name>: Interface name
mpls: No enough memory Internal data memory supplement was failed.
mpls: number of CRLSP should be less than
The upper limit for CRLSP is 255.
mpls: range should not be less than label platform_label_range value is invalid. For the “range”, set a value
greater than that for the label.
mpls: The interface is neither ethernet nor
The specified interface is neither Ethernet nor gigabit Ethernet.
Set an Ethernet or gigabit Ethernet interface.
mpls: too many MPLS definitions The MPLS information has exceeded the maximum allowance.
Multcast and MPLS can not be set up
Multcast and MPLS can not be set up simultaneously
policy_mpls :’ <LSP Name>’ is invalid. The name of LSP specified for a policy_mpls parameter of the flow
filter must have been defined for label_switched_path. For the name
of LSP specified for a policy_mpls parameter of the flow filter, use
one already defined for label_switched_path. To delete from
label_switched_path the name of LSP specified for a policy_mpls
parameter of the flow filter, delete the policy_mpls parameter
<LSP name>: Specified LSP name
policy_mpls :’ <LSP Name>’ syntax error The length of the LSP name specified for a policy_mpls parameter of
the flow filter is illegal. For the name, use 1 to 14 characters.
<LSP name>: Specified LSP name
secondary_label_switched_path: duplicate
explicit_route_name in ’<LSP name>’
This is a duplicated definition.
<LSP name>: Specified LSP name
Table 5-10 MPLS Information Error Messages [ROUTE-OS7] (continued)