Audio Command Center Series Manual — P/N 51889:E1 6/8/2010 27
Components Product Description
• One Form-C AC Loss Relay. Contacts are rated 2.0 amps @ 30 VDC (resistive) and 0.6 amps
30 VAC (resistive).
FC-MIM Microphone Interface Module or ACC-FFT Fire Fighter Telephone Module
• Connector P5 provides a connection for the optional FC-MIM Microphone Interface Module
which is used to connect the FC-RM Remote Microphone to provide remote microphone
paging capabilities for the ACC-25/50 and ACC-25/50ZS (refer to Remote Microphone
Installation document #51247).
• Connector P5 provides a cable connection to the optional ACC-FFT Fire Fighter Telephone
Module connector J2 for the ACC-25/50ZST Zone System with Telephone. The FC-MIM
module function is incorporated into the ACC-FFT module eliminating the need for the FC-
MIM (refer to Section “ACC-FFT Fire Fighter Telephone Module (ACC-25/50ZST Only)” on
page 55.
ACC-EPM External Page Module
• Connector P13 provides a connection for the optional ACC-EPM External Page Module which
is used to connect external non-emergency page equipment. The electrically isolated signal
from the external equipment is not supervised by the ACC-25/50 Series panels. Alarm
condition and paging from the ACC-25/50 Series panels have priority and will override all
external page functions. To preserve battery power, non-emergency paging is prohibited
during AC loss conditions.
ACC-ZPMK Zone Page Module (ACC-25/50ZS & ACC-25/50ZST only)
• Connector P11 provides a connection for the ACC-ZPMK Zone Page Module which is used to
annunciate and control the selection of speaker circuits. Refer to Section “ACC-ZPMK Zone
Page Module - ACS Link (ACC-25/50ZS & ACC-25/50ZST)” on page 52.
Local Speaker
• Connector P2 provides a connection for an optional, removable local speaker P/N: FC-LPS, to
be used for reviewing the digital message without broadcasting over the system speakers.
Figure 3.19, “Installation of Speaker Module” on page 60. This option module must be
installed to take advantage of the Playback feature. Note that The FC-LPS must be removed
after use.
1.5 Components
Main Circuit Board
The ACC-25/50 Series main cir-
cuit board contains the system's
CPU, tone generators, special
application auxiliary 35 mA
power output, DIP switches for
field programmable features, digi-
tal message recorder/generator,
integral microphone input and pre-
amplifier, other primary compo-
nents and wiring interface
components. One amplifier mod-
ule is supplied mounted to the
main circuit board. The ACC-
25/50ZS and ACC-25/50ZST also include one ACC-ZPMK Zone Page Module and one AC-ZSM
Zone Splitter Module (refer to Figure 1.3 on page 18). The ACC-25/50ZST also includes one
NOTE: The Trouble Relay can be programmed to transfer on any trouble condition including AC
Loss or on any trouble condition except AC Loss (see Switch 8 in Table 2.3 on page 34).
Figure 1.7 Main Circuit Board
Audio Amplifier