48 Audio Command Center Series Manual — P/N 51889:E1 6/8/2010
Installation Auxiliary DC Power Output Connections
3.4 Auxiliary DC Power Output Connections
The Special Application Auxiliary DC power output is power-limited.
3.5 Input/Initiating Circuits
The ACC-25/50 Series has five Command Input circuits, which are used to activate the panel
amplifiers which, in turn, transmit an audio signal over the system speakers. All field wiring for
the circuits is power-limited and supervised for opens and ground faults. Note that zero impedance
to ground will cause a ground fault.
CMD1 and CMD2 Command Input circuits can be independently field programmed to be triggered
by a contact closure or by the reverse polarity of a Notification Appliance Circuit.
IMPORTANT! When CMD1 and CMD2 are configured for reverse polarity, the NAC cannot
Input and output terminals are provided for CMD1 and CMD2 to allow placement of the ACC-
25/50 Series anywhere along a Notification Appliance Circuit allowing nondedicated use of host
FACP NAC for triggering. CMD1 has relay contacts (maximum current 2.0 amps) before the out
terminals which will open the outgoing NAC circuit during a ACC-25/50 trouble condition (AC
loss is programmable as described for switch 8 in Table 2.3 on page 34). This causes a NAC trou-
Special Application Power (35 mA @ 24 VDC) is nonresettable power suitable for
powering control modules and End-of Line Power supervision relays. See Device
Compatibility Document for compatible devices.
Figure 3.6 Auxiliary Power Connection