4 - 69
This appendix contains information that is superseded by newer information. It contains programming bar codes for Symbol
SE955 scan engines only.
Laser On Time (superseded)
For correct operation, reboot the Bluetooth Ring Scanner after changing this value.
The bar code on this page has been replaced with a newer bar code. See Also: Laser On Time (page 4-14).
Default: 3.0 seconds
This parameter sets the maximum time decode processing continues during a scan attempt. It is programmable in 0.1 sec-
ond increments from 0.5 to 9.9 seconds. If a label has not been decoded before this time expires and the session is termi-
nated, the system regards it as a failed scan attempt.
To begin setting Laser On Time, scan this bar code:
Next, scan two numeric bar codes that correspond to the desired on time using the Keypad Number Symbols (page 4-72)
at the end of this section. Times less than 1.0 second must have a leading zero.
If you wish to change your number selection, scan Cancel on the Keypad Number Symbols page.
Scan Angle (SE955 only) superseded
Note: The bar code on this page has been replaced with a newer bar code. See Also: Scan Angle (SE955 only) (page 4-17).
Choose one of the options below to set the scan angle to narrow or wide. Once the parameter bar code is scanned, the
Scan Angle setting is persistently stored.
Select an option by scanning one of the bar codes shown below.
Narrow Angle (35°)
* Wide Angle