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Two Discrete Lengths (Parameter L2)
This option decodes only those codes containing two selected lengths.
For example, when you want to scan only Codabar symbols containing 2 or 14 characters, scan the Codabar Two Dis-
crete Lengths bar code and then “0”, “2”, “1” and “4” bar codes using the Imager Keypad Number Symbols (page 5-
To begin setting two discrete lengths, scan this Codabar Two Discrete Lengths bar code:
Next, scan four numeric bar codes that correspond to the desired value. Single digit numbers must have a leading
zero. To correct an error or to change a selection, scan Cancel on the Imager Keypad Number Symbols page.
Length Within Range
This option decodes a code type within a specified minimum and maximum range. For example, when you want to
scan only Codabar symbols containing between 4 and 12 characters, scan the Codabar Length Within Range bar code
and then “0”, “4”, “1” and “2” bar codes using the Imager Keypad Number Symbols (page 5-81).
To begin setting lengths within a range, scan this Codabar Length Within Range bar code:
Next, scan numeric bar codes that correspond to the desired value using the Imager Keypad Number Symbols. Single
digit numbers must have a leading zero. To correct an error or to change a selection, scan Cancel on the Imager Key-
pad Number Symbols page.
Any Length
This option decodes Codabar bar codes containing any number of characters.
To set any length, scan this Codabar Any Length bar code: