Welcome to the Hotpoint family. Best of all, you'll experience
We're proud of our quality prod- these values each time you do
ucts and we believe in dependable the laundry. That's important,
service. You'll see it in this easy-to- because your new dryer will be
use manual and you'll hear it in the part of your family for a long time.
friendly voices of our customer
service department.
Staple yow _ipt m mo im_do _
couwrM m_ manual.
down tbo mdel an#_rial
mmlwn; bore. They are on the label
on the front of the dryer behind
the door.
He@ us
Before you call for service,
there are a few things you can
do to help us serve you better.
RO_ _15 _n_[. It contains
immaetions to help you use and
maintain your dryer l_rol_rly.
Saw t[_ aBd MOlOy. Check the
section titled "if Something Goes
Wrong" before calling. This sec-
tion was designed to solve common
problems you might encounter.
If}ou do need service, you can
relax knowing help is only a phone
away. A list of toll-free customer
servile numbers is included on the
inside back cover. Or call the GE
Answer Center ® at 800.626.2000,
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.