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We'll be there!
Whatever)our question about any
Hotpoint major appliance, GE
Answer Center ® information ser-
vice is available to help. Your call-
and your question--will be answered
promptly and courteously.
And you can call any lime. GE
Answer Center" service is open
24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
AGE consumer service professional
will provide expert repair service,
scheduled at a time that's conve-
nient for you. Many GE Consumer
Service company-operated loca-
tions offer you service today or
tomorrow, or at your convenience
(7:00 am. to 7:00 p.m. weekdays,
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturdays).
Our factow-trained technicians
knowyour appliance inside and
out--so most repairs can be hart-k
died in just one visit.
Upon request, GE will provide
Braille controls for a variety of
GE appliances, and a brochure
to assist in planning a barrier-free
kitchen for persons with limited
mobility. To obtain these items,
free of charge, call 800.626.2000.
Consumers with impaired hearing
or speech who have access to a
TDD or a convention teletype-
writer may call 800-TDD-GEAC
(800-8$$-4$22) to request informa
don or service.