
command, CL
Work with Hardware Resources
Work with Registration Information
(WRKREGINF) 325, 334, 537
Work with RouteD Configuration
Work with Server Table (WRKSVRTBLE) 333
Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) 139
Work with Tables (WRKTBL) 530
Work with TCP/IP Network Status
Work with TCP/IP Point-to-Point
(WRKTCPPTP) 135, 137
Work with TCP/IP Status (WRKTCPSTS) 436
workstation gateway server 512
WRKACTJOB (Work with Active Jobs) 138, 363,
WRKBPTBL (Work with BOOTP Table) 379
WRKCFGSTS (Work with Configuration Status) 229
WRKHDWRSC (Work with Hardware
Resources) 128
WRKREGINF (Work with Registration
Information) 325, 334, 537
WRKRTDCFG (Work with RouteD
Configuration) 392
WRKSPLF (Work with Spooled Files) 139
WRKSVRTBLE (Work with Server Table) 333
WRKTBL (Work with Tables) 530
Point-to-Point) 135, 137
WRKTCPSTS (Work with TCP/IP Network
Status) 55
WRKTCPSTS (Work with TCP/IP Status) 436
command, Client Access
CFGWSF (Configure Work Station Function) 161
Configure Work Station Function (CFGWSF) 161
Work Station Function Keys (WSFKEYS) 161
WSFKEYS (Work Station Function Keys) 161
command, TCP/IP
Network Status (NETSTAT) 55
Packet Internet Groper (PING) 47
Telnet 159
command processing selection
exit point interface 551
communications manuals 599
communications trace
checking 493
collecting 493
deleting 493
display 495
ending 493
formatting 499
printing 493
saving 499
starting 493, 495
stopping 498
verifying contents 501
compression, header
SLIP dial-out profile 149
configuration 509
configuration 190
3270 full-screen mode 190
ASCII line mode 213
VTxxx full-screen mode 199
configuration profile
SLIP 132
SLIP, dial-out 147
configuration status
working with 229
Configure TCP/IP (CFGTCP) command 27
Configure TCP/IP Applications (CFGTCPAPP)
command 378, 392
command 378
Configure TCP/IP RouteD (CFGTCPRTD)
command 392, 397
Configure TCP/IP Workstation Gateway Server
(CFGTCPWSG) command 321, 323
Configure Work Station Function (CFGWSF)
command 161
asynchronous line for SLIP 152
BOOTP server 378
configuration profile for SLIP 133
Configure TCP/IP menu 27
default routes 35
device and virtual printer for AIX printing 356
host table 38
interface 30
IP connections 294
IP datagram forwarding 36
IPX connections 294
line 30
line description 506
line printer daemon 363
local domain and host name 42
LPD for a RISC System/6000 system 356
maximum transmission unit (MTU) 33
modems for SLIP 130
multiple-network example 22
multiple systems 75
next hop 32
planning for X.25 22
POP for Client Access-based mail users 294
POP mail server address book 294
ports 85
print services facility/6000 function 360
remote system (X.25) information 36
RouteD scenario 393
RouteD server 392, 393
routes 32
single-network example 29
SLIP planning 127
SNA connections 294
subnet mask 32
TCP/IP Administration menu 22
TCP/IP attributes 36
TCP/IP interfaces 30
TCP/IP menu 27
TFTP server 389
workstation gateway server (WSG) 321, 323
610 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4