
CRTDEVDSP (Create Device Description (Display))
command 215
CRTDEVNET (Create Device Description (Network))
command 505
CRTOUTQ (Create Output Queue) command 352
CRTTBL (Create Table) command 518, 521
CRTUSRPRF (Create User Profile)
3270 full-screen mode 191
ASCII line mode 215
VTxxx full-screen mode 201
CSRSLT (cursor select key) parameter 160
CTLCHAR (control characters) parameter 166
cursor select key (CSRSLT) parameter 160
data area values 299
data BDATA packet field 389
data request timeout 325
data request timeout (DTARQSTIMO) parameter 325
data stream
transforming 350
data transfer methods, FTP 258
definition 18
forwarding 36, 146
SLIP 145
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 17
datagram forwarding
SLIP 145
datagram size
determining the maximum 507
DDI (distributed data interface)
fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) 22
shielded twisted pair distributed data interface
(SDDI) 22
DDN (Defense Data Network) conversion algorithm 37
DDS applications
converting to HTML 336
dead gateway processing 78
default route
adding 35
SLIP 144, 150
IP subnets 5
subnetwork 6
Delete Communications Trace (DLTCMNTRC)
command 493
Delete Table (DLTTBL) command 523
communications trace 493
mapping table 523
device description 229
emulation package 229
keyboard mapping 229
virtual display device 229
device description
display 215
automatically creating 144, 151
device description
remote location name 144, 151
definition 211
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server
accessing through Operations Navigator 414
adding clients 420
adding Network Stations 420
automatically starting 415
changing attributes 416
configuring through Operations Navigator
examples 417
creating a scoped network 409
defining scoped statements 410
ending 416
exit points 417
introduction 405
migrating BOOTP 419
network configuration 408
creating a scoped network 409
defining scoped statements 410
architected 413
specifying 412
user-defined 413
overview 405
planning 406
relay agent 420
starting 415
DHCP server
definition 15
dial-in profile
maximum transmission unit 143
remote interface address 143
SLIP, configuring 140
dial-in support 156
example 98
dial-out connection script 122
dial-out support 156
DIR (Directory) subcommand 283
direct routing 12
directed broadcast address 8
Directory (DIR) subcommand 283
current library content 283
format trace data 499
start a service tool for SST 494
start trace 496
system service tools (SST) 494
TCP/IP connections 70
work with communications traces 495
display character attributes (DSPCHRATTR)
parameter 166
Display Keyboard Map (DSPKBDMAP) command 192
display sign-on panel (DSPSGN) 325
Display VT Keyboard Map (DSPVTMAP)
command 205
communications trace 501
612 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4