
0031-605 0031-612
0031-605 Unexpected EOF on allocation file for task
Explanation: There were not enough entries in the hostfile for the number of processes
User Response: Lower the number of processes or add more entries to the hostfile.
0031-606 Pool request not allowed in hostfile unless using Resource Manager
Explanation: Execution environment (see IBM AIX Parallel Environment Operation and
Use) did not specify use of the Resource Manager, but a hostfile entry contained a pool
User Response: If Resource Manager use was intended, check environment variables.
Otherwise, remove pool request from hostfile.
0031-607 Pool requests and host entries may not be intermixed in hostfile
Explanation: Pool requests and host entries co-existed in hostfile.
User Response: Modify hostfile to contain only pool requests or only hostnames.
0031-608 Unrecognized option for task
: <
Explanation: An option other than shared, dedicated, multiple, or unique was found in
the hostfile.
User Response: Correct hostfile entry.
0031-609 Unable to open save_hostfile
Explanation: Specified save hostfile could not be opened.
User Response: Check pathname and permissions.
0031-610 Error in command broadcast
Explanation: An error occurred in broadcasting the poe command to the partition.
Probably one of the remote nodes is no longer accessible. POE terminates.
User Response: Verify that the remote nodes in the partition can be contacted by other
means. If problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.
0031-611 Unable to open command file <
Explanation: The file designated to issue POE commands can not be opened. POE
User Response: Verify that the file name is spelled correctly and is readable.
0031-612 pm_contact: write select error
Explanation: A system error occurred while writing to a remote node. The system error
message is appended. POE terminates.
User Response: Verify that the remote nodes in the partition can be contacted by other
means. If problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow local site
procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.
Chapter 4. POE Messages 85