
0029-1003 0029-2001
0029-1003 Missing or invalid argument following the -d flag. For information on the
correct syntax to use when invoking pdbx, type: pdbx -h
Explanation: The -d flag requires an integer argument that specifies the nesting depth limit
of program blocks.
User Response: Specify an integer. Note that this overrides the default nesting depth limit
of 25 program blocks.
0029-1005 Unable to read command file specified by the -c flag.
Explanation: You must specify a command file that you have read access to after the -c
flag. The file that you specified after the -c flag did not have read permission so that pdbx
could open it for reading.
User Response: Check the name of the file and the permissions to ensure that it is
0029-1006 You must use the attach, quit, or help command.
Explanation: When starting the debugger in attach mode, at the initial prompt the only
allowable commands are attach, quit, or help.
User Response: Enter a valid command to continue.
0029-1009 Could not create remote pdbx_startup file:
Explanation: For each task to be initialized, the remote dbx requires the creation of a
temporary startup file. pdbx requested that the partition manager daemon create the file and
the partition manager daemon was unable to do so.
User Response: The temporary pdbx_startup file is to be created in the directory specified
by the MP_TMPDIR environment variable, the -tmpdir flag, or /tmp. Make sure that this
directory is available for writing by you on each node allocated to your partition.
0029-1010 Could not read message from poe.
Explanation: pdbx was unable to read data from the POE debug socket.
User Response: Debugging can continue except that the information about synchronized
exit may not be passed back to the debugger from the POE job. Please note that the
debugger will most likely not be able to re-attach to this POE job after detaching.
0029-1012 Cannot switch to context
, which has RUNNING task(s), until all tasks
in the partition have been loaded with a program.
Explanation: Some of the tasks have been loaded with a program and some have not. The
tasks that have been loaded are RUNNING and waiting to synchronize with all of the other
tasks in the partition. This wait is normal processing that happens at the start of a parallel
program to pass ip addresses around in preparation for future message passing calls.
User Response: Continue to load programs on the remaining tasks in the partition. At this
time you can only switch context to groups and tasks that have all task(s) in
0029-2001 Could not delete the groups events (breakpoints or tracepoints) from task:
, because this task is RUNNING.
Explanation: Since the task was not in DEBUG_READY state, pdbx could not delete its
events (breakpoints or tracepoints). It is possible to continue but there are some events
(breakpoints or tracepoints) that pdbx no longer has a record of.
User Response: Issue the group list or tasks command to view the state of the tasks.
The tasks in the group that are in RUNNING state are the ones on which pdbx could not
delete the events.
4 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages