
Design Guide 73
The recommended placement of the mictor connectors is at either end of the bus segment. The
mictors are placed at the end of, as short a stub as possible, daisy chained off either end of the bus.
When there is not enough room to place the mictors 0.5 inches from the target, then an alternate
method may be used. That is, to place the logic analyzer termination circuitry on the target and then
extend the etch from the end of the termination circuitry over to the mictor connectors. The
connection from the mictors to the logic analyzer must then be done with the E5351A. The
E5346A contains the logic analyzer termination circuitry, the E5351A does not.
Table 36. Logic Analyzer Pod 6
Mictor-38 Pin Number Even Pod Logic Analyzer Channel Number PCI-X Signal Name
11 13 AD60
13 12 AD59
15 11 AD58
17 10 AD57
19 9 AD56
21 8 AD55
23 7 AD54
25 6 AD53
27 5 AD52
29 4 AD51
31 3 AD50
33 2 AD49
35 1 AD48
37 0 AD48