Read before operatingyour cooktop
All appliances- regardlessof the manufacturer- havethepotential
through improper or careless use to create safety problems.
Thereforethe following safety precautionsshouldbe observed:
1. Never use your appliance for warming or heating the room.
2. Childrenshould notbeleft aloneor unattendedinareawhere
appliance is in use. They should never be allowed to sit or
stand on any part of the appliance.
3. Wear proper apparel. Loose-fitting or hanging garments
should never be worn while using the appliance.
4. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless
specificallyrecommendedin this manual. All otherservicing
5. Flammablematerialsshouldnotbe storednearsurfaceunits.
6. Do notusewateron greasefires. Smotherfireorflame or use
dry chemicalor foam-type extinguisher.
7. Use only dry potholders. Moist or damp potholderson hot
surfacesmayresultin burnsfromsteam. Do notlet potholder
touch hotheatingelements. Donotuseatowel orother bulky
8. Useproperpan size. Manyappliancesareequippedwithone
or more surface units of different size. Select cookware
having flat bottoms large enough to cover the surface unit
heating element. The use of undersized cookware will
exposea portionof the heatingelementto directcontactand
may result in ignition of clothing. Proper relationship of
cookwareto heatingelementwill also improveefficiencyand
9. Never leave surfaceunits unattendedat high heatsettings.
Boi_over causes smoking and greasy spillovers that may