10. Glazedcookware-only certaintypesof glass,glass-ceramic,
ceramic,earthenware,or otherglazed cookwareare suitable
for cooktop surface without breaking due to the sudden
changein temperature.Use onlysuchcookwareasyouknow
has beenapprovedfor this purpose.
11. Cookwarehandles should be turned inward and not extend
over adjacentsurface heatingelementsto avoid burns, igni-
tion of flammablematerialsand spillagedue to unintentional
contact withthe cookware.
12. Do not soak or immerse removable heating elements in
13. CAUTION - Do not store items of interest to children in
cabinetsabovecooktop- childrenclimbingon the cooktopto
reach itemscould be seriously injured.
14. Do nottouchsurface unitsorareas near units. Surfaceunits
or heatingelementsmaybe hoteven thoughtheyaredark in
color. Areas near surfaceunits may become hot enoughto
causeburns. Duringandafteruse,do nottouchorletclothing
or other flammable materials contact these areas until they
have hadsufficienttimeto cool. Othersurfacesmaybecome
hot enough to cause burns - among these surfaces is the
15. Do notcook on glass-ceramiccooking surfaceif the cooktop
is broken. Cleaningsolutions and spillovers may penetrate
the broken cooktop and create a shock hazard. Contact an
authorizedJenn-Air ServiceContractor.
16. Clean glass-ceramiccooktopswith caution. Ifwetsponge or
cloth is used to wipe spills on a hotcooking area, be careful
to avoidsteam burns. Somecleanserscan producenoxious
fumes if appliedto a hot surface.
17. Do not operate with damaged cooking element after any
product malfunction untilproper repairhas been made.
18. Keep all switches "OFF" when unit is not in use.