
VI. Video Wave III
6.1 Installing Video Wave
A. Make sure the USB cable is not connected to your computer. Insert the
CD into the CD ROM of your computer. The software is self-loading.
Eye driver must be installed to use the camera with your
B. Continue to follow prompts and click “Next”.
C. The software automatically defaults to your C:\Program files/MGI/Video
Wave. You MAY select browse if you would like to install to a different
folder. Then click “Next”. Continue to follow the prompts. Please do
nothing until prompted.
D. You will be asked to complete corresponding registration information.
Then click “Next”.
E. To complete the setup click “finish” when prompted. You will be asked
to restart your computer to complete the installation. Select “Yes” to
restart now.
F. Your computer has now successfully installed Video Wave software.
6.2 Using Video Wave
A. Click the MGI Video Wave III icon
B. The following screen will appear:
Connect ken-A-Vision M Eye to your computer and the capture icon
for a live image.
D. After selecting the capture icon, the following options will appear:
Video + Audio, Video, Audio, Image or Sequence, and save the
image. Click on any of these to start capturing the movie.
Operation Mode Button Continued…
! Single shot High quality with timer (1024 x 768)
! Single shot Super High quality with timer ( 1280 x 960)
! Multiple shot ( 640 x 480)
! Video clip ( 320 x 240 )
! Audio recording
B. Flash mode button: This button is to select the 4 modes of the
! Auto Flash
! Force Flash
! Red Eye Reduction
! Flash Off
2.2 Icons on LCD Screen
The figure below shows all the icons that are displayed on the LCD
Screen pending the mode you select. See next page for definitions.