12-2 bizhub PRO 1050/1050e Scanner
Appendix Chapter 12
12 Appendix
12.1 Glossary
Item Description
Types of specifications in compliance with the Ether-
net standard.
Cables made of two stranded copper wire rods are
Communication speed is 10Mbps with 10Base-T,
100Mbps with 100Base-TX, and 1000Mbps with
anonymous FTP An FTP site which requires no password anymore by
entering “anonymous” as the account name for the
FTP site, which is usually protected by the account
and password, so that anybody can use it.
BMP Abbreviation of Bitmap. One of the file formats to
save image data (extension: .bmp).
Generally used on Windows. No. of colors from
black/white (binary) to full color (16,777,216 colors)
image can be designated. Basically the image is
saved without being compressed.
Correction of density A function to correct the color tone in the printer, dis-
play or other output devices.
Default Initial set value.
Setting which has been selected in advance when
the power button is turned ON.
Or, setting which has been selected in advance
when some function is turned ON.
Density Quantity to express the depth of image.
DPI (dpi) Abbreviation of Dots Per Inch. Unit of resolution used
with printers, scanners, etc.
Represents a number of dots in a collection in one
As this value increases, more detailed expression is
Driver Software to act intermediately between the compu-
ter and peripheral devices.
Ethernet Standard for the LAN transmission line.
Extension A string attached to a file name to distinguish the file
saving method.
Denoted following a period like “.bmp”, “.hog”, etc.
FTP Abbreviation of File Transfer Protocol. A protocol
used to transfer files on the TCP/IP network such as
Internet, Intranet, etc.