bizhub PRO 1050/1050e Scanner iii
6.2 Registering an E-Mail Address ........................................................ 6-4
6.3 Registering the HDD-B ..................................................................... 6-6
6.4 Registering the FTP server .............................................................. 6-9
6.5 Registering the SMB server ........................................................... 6-12
6.6 Registering a Group ....................................................................... 6-15
7 Using the Network Scanner Features
7.1 The keys on the Select Destinations/Storage Locations Screen . 7-2
7.2 Transmission to an E-Mail Address ................................................ 7-4
7.3 Storage on the HDD-B ..................................................................... 7-9
7.4 Transmission to the FTP server .................................................... 7-14
7.5 Transmission to the SMB server ................................................... 7-19
7.6 Transmission to a Group ................................................................ 7-24
7.7 About the Scanner Setting Basic Screen ..................................... 7-26
8 About the Network Scanner Driver
8.1 Reading in from HDD-B ................................................................... 8-2
8.1.1 Network Scanner Driver ................................................................. 8-3
8.2 To install the Network Scanner Driver ............................................ 8-4
8.3 Import Scanned Data to Computers ............................................... 8-5
8.3.1 TWAIN-compliant applications
can be used to read in scanned data 8-5
8.4 Features and Settings of the Network Scanner Driver ................. 8-8
9 About the Secure Folder
9.1 Overview of the Secure Folder ........................................................ 9-2
9.2 Creating a Box (Secure Folder) ....................................................... 9-3
9.3 Deleting a Box (Secure Folder) ........................................................ 9-6
9.4 Output from the Secure Folder ....................................................... 9-7
10 Troubleshooting
10.1 Cannot connect to the scanner ..................................................... 10-2
10.2 When an Error Message Appears ................................................. 10-4
10.2.1 Errors during scanning with the [STORE] tab .............................. 10-4
10.2.2 Errors during scanning with the [SCAN] tab ................................ 10-5