Copied to 102KM_EM.
6564 Playback - advanced operation
When the image(s) to be converted to an e-mail file are selected, the
copy routine begins and a screen appears indicating the name of the
folder containing the copied images; press the central button of the con-
troller to return to the menu.
E-mail Copy
The copy-unsuccessful message appears when one or all of the images could not be copied.
Check the memory card or the internal memory to see which files were copied and then repeat
the procedure for the uncopied images.
Camera Notes
Section 2 of the playback menu (p. 56) controls the slide-show
function. This function automatically displays and plays all image,
audio, and movie files on the memory card or in the camera’s
internal memory in order. To display images in the internal memory,
remove the memory card from the camera.
To start the slide-show presentation, highlight “Enter” and press
the central button of the controller.
During the slide show, pressing the central button
of the controller pauses and restarts the presenta-
The left/right keys advance the next still image or
return to the previous one. During a movie, the keys
forward or rewind the clip.
Press the menu button to cancel the presentation.
Slide show
Edit movie
Crop frame
Frame capture
The dissolve function randomly selects a dissolve effect for transi-
tions between still images in the slide show. This function can be
turned on and off in section 2 of the playback menu (p. 56).
Slide show
Edit movie
Frame capture
Crop frame