The frame-capture option in section 2 of the playback menu (p. 56)
allows a single frame from a movie clip to be copied and saved as a
still image in the memory being used. The copied image has the
same image size as the original movie.
The movie from which the frame is to be captured must first be dis-
played in the playback mode before opening the playback menu. To
display the movie in the internal memory, remove the memory card
from the camera. Highlight “Enter” in the frame-capture option and
press the center button of the controller to open the capture screen.
6766 Playback - advanced operation
A portion of a still image can be copied and saved in the memory
location being used. To crop and save an image in the internal
memory, remove the memory card from the camera.
E-mail Copy images cannot be cropped.
Display the image to be cropped on the LCD monitor. Highlight
“Enter” in the crop-frame option in section 2 of the playback menu
(p. 56) and press the center button to start the cropping process.
The image displayed on the monitor is the
cropped area.
Press the right side of the zoom lever (T) (1) to
enlarge the image. Press the left side of the
lever (W) to decrease the image size. The
degree of magnification is displayed on the
LCD monitor.
Use the controller to scroll the image (2).
The locator in the top right corner of the moni-
tor indicates the area of the image being dis-
played. The display button (3) switches
between showing the full display and the
image only.
When the image area to be cropped is displayed, press the central button of the con-
troller to save the image data.
The file name of the cropped image is displayed. Press the central button
of the controller again to complete the operation.
The audio from approximately 7.5 seconds before and after the point of
the captured frame can be saved. Choosing “Yes” records the movie
soundtrack and saves it as an audio-caption WAV file. Selecting “No”
records no soundtrack.
When saved, the file names of the captured image and
sound track are displayed. Press the center button of
the controller to complete the operation.
Slide show
Edit movie
Frame capture
Crop frame
Use the left/right keys of the controller to display the
frame to be captured.
Press the central button of the controller to capture the
frame; a confirmation screen appears. Choosing “Yes”
executes the operation, “No” cancels it.
:rew :fwd :save
:rew :fwd :save
Frame capture
Frame capture
Save audio?
Saved as PICT0035.JPG.
Saved as PICT0034.JPG.
Slide show
Edit movie
Crop frame
Frame capture
: save