14: Maintenance and Diagnostics Settings
EDS User Guide 132
Real Time Clock
The current date or time configured on the EDS can be viewed and modified.
To configure Real Time Clock settings:
1. Select RTC on the menu bar. The Real Time Clock page opens.
Figure 14-31 Real Time Clock Page
2. Modify the following settings to set change the current date and time:
Table 14-32 Real Time Clock Settings
3. Click Submit.
System Settings
The EDS System web page allows for rebooting the device, restoring factory defaults, uploading
new firmware, configuring the short and long name, and viewing the current system configuration.
To configure system settings:
1. Select System on the menu bar. The System page opens.
Real Time Clock
Page Settings
Time Zone From the drop-down list, select the time zone corresponding to the
location of the EDS.
Date From the drop-down lists, select the year, month, and day
corresponding to the current date at the location of the EDS.
Time (24 hour) From the drop-down list, select the hour, minutes, and seconds
corresponding to the current time at the location of the EDS.