10: Terminal and Host Settings
EDS User Guide 78
Host Configuration
This Host web page is where you may view and modify current settings for a selected remote host.
To configure a selected remote host:
1. Select Host on the menu bar. The Host web page appears.
2. Select a specific host number at the top of the page. The Host Configuration page for the
selected host appears.
Figure 10-5 Host Configuration
3. Enter or modify the following settings:
Table 10-6 Host Configuration
4. Click Submit to save changes.
5. Repeat above steps as desired, according to additional host(s) available on your product.
Host Settings Description
Name Enter a name for the host. This name appears on the Login Connect
Menu. To leave a host out of the menu, leave this field blank.
Protocol Select the protocol to use to connect to the host. Choices are:
Note: SSH keys must be loaded or created on the SSH page for the
SSH protocol to work.
SSH Username Appears if you selected SSH as the protocol. Enter a username to
select a pre-configured Username/Password/Key (configured on the
SSH: Client Users page), or leave it blank to be prompted for a
username and password at connect time.
Remote Address Enter an IP address for the host to which the device will connect.
Remote Port Enter the port on the host to which the device will connect.