
12: Security Settings
EDS User Guide 100
SSH Client Known Hosts
On this page you can change SSH client settings for known hosts.
Note: You do not have to complete the fields on this page for communication to occur.
However, completing them adds another layer of security that protects against Man-In-
The-Middle (MITM) attacks.
To configure the SSH client for known hosts:
1. Select SSH on the menu bar and then Client Known Hosts at the top of the page. The SSH
Client: Known Hosts page appears.
Figure 12-9 SSH Client: Known Hosts
2. Enter or modify the following settings:
Table 12-10 SSH Client Known Hosts
Note: These settings are not required for communication. They protect against Man-In-
The-Middle (MITM) attacks.
3. Click Submit.
4. In the Current Configuration table, delete currently stored settings as necessary.
SSH Client:
Known Hosts Settings
Server Enter the name or IP address of a known host. If you enter a server name,
the name should match the name of the server used as the Remote
Address in Connect mode tunneling.
Public RSA Key Enter the path and name of the existing public RSA key you want to use
with this known host or use the Browse button to select the key.
Public DSA Key Enter the path and name of the existing public DSA key you want to use
with this known host or use the Browse button to select the key.