
9: Line and Tunnel Settings
EDS User Guide 72
5. Click Submit.
6. Repeat above steps as desired, according to additional tunnel(s) available on your product.
Tunnel – Modem Emulation
A tunnel in Connect Mode can be initiated using modem commands incoming from the Serial Line.
This page enables you to configure the modem emulation settings when you select Modem
Emulation as the Tunnel Connect Mode type.
The Modem Emulation Command Mode supports the standard AT command set. For a list of
available commands from the serial or Telnet login, enter AT?. Use ATDT, ATD, and ATDP to
establish a connection. All of these commands behave like a modem. For commands that are valid
but not applicable to the EDS, an “OK” message is sent (but the command is silently ignored).
The EDS attempts to make a Command Mode connection as per the IP/DNS/port numbers
defined in Connect Mode. It is possible to override the remote address, as well as the remote port
The following table lists and describes the available commands.
Table 9-20 Modem Emulation Commands and Descriptions
Command Description
+++ Switches to Command Mode if entered from serial port during connection.
AT? Help.
ATDT<Address Info> Establishes the TCP connection to socket (<ipaddress>:<port>).
ATDP<Address Info> See ATDT.
ATD Like ATDT. Dials default Connect Mode remote address and port.
ATD<Address Info> Sets up a TCP connection. A value of 0 begins a command line interface
ATO Switches to data mode if connection still exists. Vice versa to '+++'.
ATEn Switches echo in Command Mode (off - 0, on - 1).
ATH Disconnects the network session.
ATI Shows modem information.
ATQn Quiet mode (0 - enable results code, 1 - disable results code.)
ATVn Verbose mode (0 - numeric result codes, 1 - text result codes.)
ATXn Command does nothing and returns OK status.
ATUn Accept unknown commands. (n value of 0 = off. n value of 1 = on.)
AT&V Display current and saved settings.
AT&F Reset settings in NVR to factory defaults.
AT&W Save active settings to NVR.
ATZ Restores the current state from the setup settings.