960L Owner’s Maunal Appendix
Appendix, continued
*Surround - Halls + Ambience
Number Name Algorithm Description
Resembles a very large ambient space that has more "clutter" than a concert hall
or performance space. Lowering the Rvb levels reduces the clutter.
Similar to Very Large Ambience, but less spacious. Provides the ambience of a
large symmetrical room.
Similar to Large Ambience, but smaller. Like a large courtroom, or a lecture room.
Similar to Medium Ambience, but smaller – typical lobby, or small lounge.
B9 P5 Strong Ambience
The room size is larger than Medium Ambience, but the Rvb levels are reduced to
provide a strong "wash" of ambience with a relatively short decay.
Resembles a large rectangular space with performers in the middle. Microphone
proximity can be simulated by adjusting the wet/dry mix.
B9 P7
Ambient Hall Surround Hall Fast, dense ambient attack. Reverberant characteristics of Large Hall.
Adds a very useful ambient spaciousness to a dry announcer’s dialog track.
Just as you would imagine – it even feels cramped.
Very strong ambience with fast decay – just add your favorite snare drum.
Surround Bank 9: *Ambience
*Surround - Unnatural and Special Effect Spaces
Number Name Algorithm Description
Best described as a subtle gated inverse room. Its usefulness extends beyond just
drum sounds.
Delays and echoes with not much reverb. Use joystick to control delay time and
B10 P3
Back Up
A Reverse reverb with an abrupt release. Good for special effects or if you need a
really long gated sound.
B10 P4
Big Back-up
Big Reverse Program that originates in the rear and decays to the front. Useful for
special effects.
B10 P5 Ekoz all’RoundR Surround Plate
Set to send individual delays consecutively to each output. This one starts a FL and
goes around to RS. Use Joystick to control delay gain and time.
B10 P6
Ekoz all ‘RoundL Surround Plate
Same as Ekoz all ‘RoundR, but this one starts at FR and goes around to RS. Use
Joystick to control delay gain and time.
Large ambience setting spaces out early reflections. Use on short-duration
transient material and these reflections are heard as closely spaced echoes.
This one rides the line between a reverse reverb, a plate, and widely spaced
ambient reflections.
Provides phantom-like reiteration of source and smoothes it out with reverb.
Ghostly on vocals.
Ricochet emulates a fairly large space with a dangerous slapback echo
Surround Bank 10: *Wild Spaces