. LG NAS Web Menu Use (for LG NAS administrators)
1) System Firmware Upgrade
① Verify connection to the Internet and download system firmware for the LG NAS
from the product site linked below.
Select the system firmware downloaded from the product site.
③ Install selected system formware to the LG NAS.
④ When upgrade is finished, it will indicate the version of installed system
Blu-ray Drive Firmware Upgrade
① Verify connection to the Internet and download drive firmware for the Blu-ray
attached to the LG NAS from the product site linked below.
Select the Blu-ray drive firmware downloaded from the product site.
③ Install selected Blu-ray drive firmware.
④ When upgrade is finished, the version of installed Blu-ray drive firmware will be
* For stability of data, a backup of the LG NAS is strongly recommended before
upgrading. Installation takes between 1 to several minutes. Advance access of
other client users to the LG NAS while upgrading firmware is forbidden.