. LG NAS Web Menu Use (for LG NAS administrators)
Burn Disc
Burning LG NAS files to disc is possible.
<Button functions>
: Moves to upper folder.
: Refreshes the current folder
: Files or folders selected on the left window are sent to the right window to
organize a list for recording.
: Deletes selected files or folders from the list organized for recording on
the right window.
Move the intended folder or file to the destined location.
② Selecting a folder or file to record and move to the right side produces a
configuration data list
Specify disc name in the ‘‘Disc Name’ window
④ Click on the ‘Refresh’ button and confirm that disc writing is possible as
indicated in the disc status box.
Pressing the ‘Burn’ button begins the burning process. The burning process is
accompanied by a progress bar display. To cancel the process, click on the
‘Cancel’ button, which appears with the progress bar.
At the end of the burning process, the tray ejects and the disc can be removed.
* By clicking on the ‘Erase Disc’ button, re-writable discs can be initialized. This
action will delete all the existing data.