2. If the ground screw assembly is loose, tighten the
assembly to the base before installing the new
ground lead. Install the green lead on the ground
screw assembly, replace the plain washer and lock
washer, then tighten nut. Install in accordance with
all local and national electrical codes.
3. Connect the new cord to the switch, observing the
color code on the wiring diagram.
4. Angle the line switch so the screws on the switch
can be tightened. Comply with the torque rating
stamped on the switch.
5. Feed the line switch back into case front.
6. Replace the two screws that hold the line switch on
to the case front.
7. Tighten the cable connector on the case back.
8. Replace wraparound and tighten the eleven screws
on the case sides and top.
9. Connect the new input power cord to a fused three
phase power supply. Make sure the green lead is
connected to the panel and the panel is connected
to a good earth ground. Install in accordance with
all local and national electric codes.
NOTE: Fusing requirements of the machine input will
change, depending on whether the machine is used
on single phase or three phase. Use the chart in the
to the proper value.
The frame of the Pro-Cut 55 must be properly ground-
ed. A ground terminal marked is mounted on the
case bottom directly behind the input power switch for
this purpose. The cable that is sent attached to the
machine is connected to this ground terminal. See the
National Electric Code for details on proper grounding
methods. Install in accordance with all local and
national electrical codes.
When changing input voltages, it is necessary to
change the settings behind the access door on the
side of the machine.
Failure to do so may result in damage to the
To reconnect the Pro-Cut, follow the directions as out-
lined below. Follow this procedure ONLY while the
Pro-Cut is disconnected from the input power and the
capacitors have properly discharged.
1. Open the access door on the side of the machine.
2. For 200 to 230 : Position the large switch to 200-230.
For 400 to 460 : Position the large switch to 400-460.
For 550 to 575 : Position the large switch to 550-575.
3. Move the "A" lead to the appropriate terminal.
The Pro-Cut 55 can be used on engine driven power
supplies. However, the following AC Wave Form
Voltage and Input Power Restrictions do apply.
AC Wave Form Restrictions
The Pro-Cut 55 can be operated on engine driven
generators as long as the engine drive output meets
the following conditions:
The AC wave form frequency is between 45 and 65 Hz.
For 200 - 230 VAC Supplies:
The AC wave form peak voltage must be below 420
The RMS voltage must be 230VAC +/- 15%.
*The 230 VAC auxiliaries of Lincoln engine drives
meet these conditions when run in the high idle
For 380 - 415 VAC Supplies:
The AC wave form peak voltage must be below 840
The RMS voltage must be 400 VAC +/- 10%.
For 460 VAC Supplies:
The AC wave form peak voltage must be below 840
The RMS voltage of the AC wave form must be 460
VAC +/- 10%.
Input Power Restrictions
The available output current of the Pro-Cut 55 may be
limited due to the output capacity of the engine driven
power supply. The following are recommended output
current settings when used with various Lincoln
engine driven power supplies.
Engine Drive Auxiliary Power Pro-Cut 55 Output Cut Thickness
RANGER 8 (8KW) 30 Amps 5/16
RANGER 9 (9KW) 40 Amps 3/8
GX271 (8KW) 30 Amps 5/16
RANGER 250 (8.5KW) 35 Amps 5/16
RANGER 275 (9KW) 40 Amps 3/8
RANGER 300D (12KW) 55 Amps 5/8
RANGER 305G (9.5KW) 40Amps 3/8
RANGER 305D (9.5KW) 40Amps 3/8
COMMANDER 300 (10KW) 45 Amps 1/2
COMMANDER 400 (10KW) 45 Amps 1/2
COMMANDER 500 (12KW) 55 Amps 5/8
VANTAGE 500 (12KW) 55 Amps 5/8