
Fig. 8-1 Fig. 8-2 Fig. 8-3 Fig. 8-4
1. Unwrapthearmcuff,leavingtheindexendofthecuffthroughtheD-ringofthecuff,asshownin
Fig. 8-1 above.
2. Ensure any clothing which restricts the upper left arm has been removed. Wrap the cuff around
the upper arm. The tubing should point in the direction of the palm of the hand as shown in
Fig. 8-6 below. Position the artery mark over the main artery (on the inside of the arm) of the
upper arm. Wrap the cuff around the upper left arm using the end of the cuff so that the lower
edge of the cuff is approximately 0.8-1.2 inches from the inner side of the elbow joint as shown in
Fig. 8-3 above.
3. The right upper arm may be used instead of the left upper arm; however, it is necessary to know
that the readings may differ 5 ~ 10 mmHg between left arm and right arm.
4. Press the cuff to make sure that it is attached securely as shown in Fig. 8-4 above. The cuff should
not be too tight or too loose. Two fingers should be easily inserted between cuff and upper arm.
5. If the Index marker points into the Normal range (9"-14" arm circumference) indicated at the edge
of the cuff, the cuff is suitable for use. If the Index line falls out of the Normal range, a different
size cuff may be required. Call 1-800-672-8293 for more information regarding additional cuffs.
Fig. 8-5 Fig. 8-6 Fig. 8-7