Be careful of interference with peripheral equipment.
Especially don't give a shock to the shaft (J3 axis). When you install the
hand, be careful not to knock at the shaft end by the hammer etc. The shaft
may be damaged.
Take care also of the following items.
(1)The robot's locus of movement may change with specified speed.
Especially as for the corner section, short cut distance may change. Therefore, when begin-
ning automatic operation, moves at low speed at first, and you should gather speed slowly with
being careful of interference with peripheral equipment.
(2)It can be confirmed whether the specified position exist in the defined area by using the instruc-
tion command "Zone". It can utilize as one of the methods for collision evasion. Refer to the
"detailed description of the instructions manual/function, and operation" of the separate volume
for the details of the instruction command.
Short cut
Arch movement (example)