2014-01-08 BFP-A8878-P
・ The cable fixation plate was added to ”Fig.3-4: Outside dimensions of controller (CR751)”.
・The type name of the stopper for changing the operating range (J1 axis) in “Table 1-3: The
list of robot option equipment and special specification” was corrected. (formerly: 1S-DH-
・ ”Fig. 2-5: Relationship of the offset length and maximum velocity” was corrected.
・ Conditions for the flexed type cables were corrected.
・ The note about an ambient temperature was added to “2.1.1 Basic specifications”.
・ The station numbers of the parallel I/O interface and the parallel I/O unit was corrected.
・ The description of "MELFA BASIC
" was added to “Table 3-1: Specifications of
2014-03-31 BFP-A8878-R
・ The grounding representation was corrected.
・ The types of the ACIN terminal were added.
・ The dimension of pilot holes for positioning pin was added.
2014-08-20 BFP-A8878-S
・ The cover and corporate logo mark of this manual was changed.
・ The statement about trademark registration was modified.
・ The explanation of CR751 controller was modified.
・ The description about screw holes using for tooling wiring and piping was added.
・ The note of turning ON the power supply for control (DCcable-2) for parallel I/O unit was
・ A safety relay in “example of safety measures (wiring example 5) ” both CR750 and
CR751 controller were changed.
・ ”Declaration of Incorporation” and “EC-Statement of Compliance” were updated.
2014-12-17 BFP-A8878-T
・ Allowance value of the offset amount was added to "2.2.2 Mass capacity".
・ The description of how to change the operating range moved into “INSTRUCTION MAN-
・ Correction of errors in the Specifications discussion materials. (Network vision sensor: 4D-
2CG5***-PKG was deleted.)
・ The corporate logo mark of illustrations in this manual was changed.
2015-02-10 BFP-A8878-U
・ The description in case the ethernet cable is used as a backup wiring for data communica-
tion was added.
Date of print Specifications No. Details of revisions