11 - 30
Position control by manual pulse generator operation
In manual pulse generator operation, the position is moved by a "manual pulse
generator 1 pulse movement amount" per pulse.
The current feed value in the positioning control by manual pulse generator
operation can be calculated using the expression shown below.
Current feed value = Number of input pulses ×
Manual pulse generator 1
pulse input magnification × Manual pulse generator 1 pulse
movement amount
Unit setting
mm inch degree PLS
Manual pulse
generator 1 pulse
movement amount
0.1µm 0.00001inch 0.00001degree 1PLS
For example, when "
Unit setting" is mm and "
Manual pulse
generator 1 pulse input magnification" is 2, and 100 pulses are input from the
manual pulse generator, the current feed value is as follows.
100 × 2 × 0.1 = 20 [µm]
Speed control by manual pulse generation operation
The speed during positioning control by manual pulse generator operation is a
speed corresponding to the No. of input pulses per unit time, and can be obtained
using the following equation.
Output command frequency = Input frequency
Manual pulse generator
1 pulse input magnification