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If the adhesion of solvent and oil to the cord part of SSCNET cable may lower the optical
characteristic and machine characteristic. If it is used such an environment, be sure to do the
protection measures to the cord part.
When keeping the QD75MH or servo amplifier, be sure to put on a cap to connector part so that
a dirt should not adhere to the end of SSCNET
SSCNET connector to connect the SSCNET cable is put a cap to protect light device inside
connector from dust. For this reason, do not remove a cap until just before connecting
cable. Then, when removing SSCNET cable, make sure to put a cap.
Keep the cap and the tube for protecting light cord end of SSCNET cable in a plastic bag with
a zipper of SSCNET
cable to prevent them from becoming dirty.
When exchanging the QD75MH or servo amplifier, make sure to put cap on SSCNET
connector. When asking repair of QD75MH or servo amplifier for some troubles, make also sure
to put a cap on SSCNET
connector. When the connector is not put a cap, the light device may
be damaged at the transit. In this case, exchange and repair of light device is required.
[1] Precautions for wiring
(1) Use separate cables for connecting to the QD75MH and for the power cable
that create surge and inductance.
(2) The shielded cable for connecting QD75MH can be secured in duct or
bundle fixing.
If the shielded cable is not secured, unevenness or movement of the
shielded cable or careless pulling on it could result in damage to the
QD75MH or servo amplifier or shielded cable or defective cable connections
could cause mis-operation of the unit.
(3) If a duct is being used and cables to connect to QD75MH are separated
from the power line duct, use metal piping.
Ground the pipes securely after metal piping.
(4) The cable is to use the twisted pair shielded cable (wire size 0.3 mm
). The
shielded must be grounded on the QD75MH side.
(5) Use separate shielded cables of the forced stop input signal (EMI,
EMI.COM), limit signal (FLS, RLS, DOG, STOP, CHG, COM) and etc., and
manual pulse generator signal (PULSER A+, PULSER A-, PULSER B+,
PULSER B-, P5, SG) for connecting to the QD75MH.
They can cause electrical interference, surges and inductance that can lead
to mis-operation.