Fiber Driver
PN 1288003-001, Rev D2
4.1 Serial Console Interface
After the network management (NM) module is installed, power up the chassis and attach the
serial RS-232 cable to the PC or terminal device. Configuring terminal emulation software on the
PC is beyond the scope of this document. The components below may be ordered from MRV.
• Adapter (part number 350-0308 REV-B MRG/20028-2)
• Cable (part number 151-3028 REV-F AI 04/04)
The NM has at least one Ethernet port, which is typically used to connect to a Local Area Network
(LAN). The factory default IP address is with netmask, sometimes
written as to show the 24 bits masked for subnetting. The default gateway
address is
From the network, connect to the NM IP address using telnet or SSH (secure shell) to open the
command line interface (CLI). Telnet services are disabled by default on the EM316LNXNM-OT,
but they may be enabled for additional CLI access.
The NM has an RS-232 interface that is used for serial communications to the CLI. This connection
is recommended for network setup. Besides configuration simplicity, it offers the advantage of “out-
of-band” management for greater network autonomy.
Configure the EM316LNXNM-OT RS-232 serial parameters with the following values.
Serial Port
• 38400 baud
• 8 data bits
• 1 stop bit
• no parity
• no flow control
4.2 MegaVisionJ Embedded GUI Management
The EM316LNXNM-OT management module includes MegaVisionJ, a built-in graphical interface
to manage only the MRV chassis system controlled by the specified NM. This graphical system is
accessible from any standard Java-enabled web browser that can reach the IP address assigned
to the EM316LNXNM-OT. MegaVisionJ allows remote management of the entire Fiber Driver
chassis system and compatible modules.