
Fiber Driver
PN 1288003-001, Rev D2
4.3.7 Port Context Commands and Examples
Command examples in this section are applied in the port-level context. The box below shows
the command to navigate to a specific port context from the login context. ?
The “?” command, used alone on the command line, lists the commands available in the
current operational context.
The “?” may also be used in two ways following a command word typed at the prompt in any
context. When typed immediately after a command line entry with no space separating it
from the command, the “?” displays a list of commands that match the preceding string and a
description of each matching command function. When a space separates the command
string from the “?”, the display shows the first matching command and a list of the options for
the next required parameter on the command line.
Read more about the “?” help character in the EM316LNXNM-OT User Guide. There is no
substitution for practicing the command to become familiar with its behavior.
fiberdriver# configure terminal
fiberdriver(config)# port 1.3.1