13.2. Range checking
The range check makes a really important contribution to the operational security
and safety of your model. We have developed a test procedure based on our own
experience and measurements, which will always keep you on the safe side.
§ Collapse the transmitter aerial completely, and hold the transmitter as if
operating a model.
§ The check must be carried out with the motor running.
Ask a friend to hold the model, or pack it up so that the steering and driven
wheels are free to move.
§ There must be no large metal objects (cars, wire fences, etc.) in the vicinity.
§ There is no point in carrying out the check if there are other transmitters
switched on - even on other channels.
§ Switch on the transmitter and receiver, and check that the model responds
correctly and immediately to all control commands, without carrying out
any uncontrolled movements, when the transmitter is about 30 m from the
' TIP !
Poor effective range may be due to any of the following problems:
v Inadequate suppression of electric power systems and ignition systems.
v Aerial wire damaged, too short (less than 40 cm) or poorly installed.
v Environmental effects (damp ground, shielding by metal fences, etc.).
If radio range with the aerial collapsed is not sufficient, and you are unable to identify
any of the potential problems stated above, repeat the check with the aerial
extended. The safe operating distance between transmitter and model should now
be around 1.5 times the actual required radius of action.
If you have any doubts, don’t run your model! Check everything again in peace
and quiet, so that you can locate and eliminate the problem reliably!
13.3. Care of the transmitter
Protect your transmitter from mechanical damage, temperatures above 60°C (direct
sunshine in a car), damp, solvents, fuel, exhaust residues and dust. Bear in mind that
condensation may occur inside the transmitter if it is subjected to a swift change of
temperature (e.g. when taken from a warm workshop to a cold car). Condensation
may prevent the transmitter working properly or at all. If this should happen, allow
the transmitter plenty of time to adjust to the new temperature, and be sure to carry
out a particularly thorough range test. Check that the transmitter is completely dry,
including the interior (battery compartment), before you switch it on.
Cleaning the transmitter
The best method of removing dust is to use a soft paintbrush. The case can be
cleaned with a slightly damp cloth and a mild household cleaning agent.
Take great care that no liquids get inside the transmitter.