3. The “instrument panel” (screen)
The illustration below shows everything that the screen can display. What you
actually see at any one time depends on whether the stopwatch is active, and
whether you are currently programming the transmitter or using it.
You will find a few examples below the illustration.
Operating screen
Timer: OFF
If the stopwatch is not active, the first text line on the screen
shows the model name you have entered. Text line 2 shows the
operating voltage.
Timer: ON
The second text line displays the stopwatch. The timer is
started and stopped using the handle button. Holding the
button pressed in for longer than 1 second resets the
stopwatch to 00.0.
Special case: battery alarm with timer active
If one of the timer modes is active and the battery voltage falls to the alarm
threshold, the screen displays the current time and battery voltage together with
BATT, alternating at 2 second intervals.
When programming the transmitter
When you are setting up the transmitter the first text line
shows the selected menu point (example: signal norm for servo
1). The second line displays additional information, and the
value you have set or selected.
Steering travel
Number of active
model memory
1: UN