Scan settings
Default setting: Primary document mode: Fine, Primary contrast: Normal
Two different settings tell your machine how to scan documents. The initial factory
settings are probably right for most applications, so try using them before changing
any of these settings:
• Primary document mode — Sets the document mode for your documents.
Choose either normal, fine, superfine (“S-Fine” on the
) or grayscale mode
• Primary contrast mode — Sets how light or dark you want faxed documents
to be when they arrive at their destinations.
Note: These settings you choose effect your copy activity only.
To set these modes:
. The
asks you to select a document mode:
Press or until the mode you want appears.
to save the setting. The
asks you to select a contrast setting:
Press or until the mode you want appears.
to save the setting.
By following the steps above, you’ve set your defaults for scanning. Before making
copies, you can “override” these default scan settings for that copy.
To override the default document mode and contrast settings before making copies:
• Press
to change the document mode.
• Press
to change the contrast.
Once you made copies, your machine returns to its default settings.
Copy print settings
You can set three print parameters for copy:
• Print reduction rate for copy
• Print margin for copy
• Bypass Tray priority
You set these three in the same procedure, discussed below. Following is an explana-
tion for each:
Print reduction rate
Copy reduction lets you set the machine to reduce large documents to a size that fits
the paper in your machine. (This setting doesn’t affect printing fax message you
may receive with your machine.)
Below are the options for the print reduction rate for copy:
Setting What it does
Automatically reduces printouts at variable rates down to a
minimum of 50%. Tries to reduce printout to fit on one sheet of
your selected paper size. If it can’t, print the image at 100% size
on two or more pages.
100% Does not reduce documents.
78% Reduces to fit a legal-sized document to a letter-sized paper.
Print margin
Your machine’s print margin for copying is measured in millimeters (mm). We’ll
define print margin by explaining how it’s used:
When an original document is scanned, the machine measures the document’s
length and compares it to: (a) the length of your selected paper (not include the
print margins) plus (b) the print margin you set. If the length of the document is
longer than (a) and (b) put together, your machine prints the document on more
than one sheet.
Note: A print margin setting of 24 mm will print most documents as single pages.
Try this combination first and then, only if you have problems with it, select
different settings.
Contrast :Normal
Document Mode:Fine
Changing the default settings
Settings for copying