
Use the numeric keypad to enter this box’s
-compatible password. This
password can be up to 20 characters in length and include any combination of
numbers and the * and # characters (but no other non-numerical characters).
Note: You cannot change the type of an existing F-Code box. If you’re modi-
fying an existing F-Code box and want to change the box type, you
first must erase the old box, then create a new one.
to save the password. The
now shows:
The fax machine is asking which box type you want to assign to this box —
bulletin, security or relay.
Press or until the type of box you want appears.
If you chose Bulletin, go on to step 15.
If you chose Security, skip to step 16.
If you chose Relay, skip to step 19.
If you chose Bulletin:
The bulletin box has four additional settings:
Reception protection (“Rx Protect” on the
Automatic printing of received documents (“Auto Print”)
Overwriting documents (“Overwrite Doc.”)
Erasure of transmitted documents (“Erase Tx Doc.”)
Rx Protect Reception protection tells this box if it’s okay to receive
documents from remote locations. Callers can then poll these documents.
On: Open this box to receive documents from callers.
Off: Do not open this box to receive documents from callers.
Press or until the mode you want appears.
Then press
to save the setting and go on to the next one.
Auto Print Automatic printing of received documents tells the fax machine
if it should print a document automatically upon receiving it into this box.
Note: This setting is available only when the reception protection (Rx pro-
tect) setting is set to off (see above).
On: Print the document automatically when the box receives it.
Off: Print the document manually, when you want to print it.
Press or until the mode you want appears.
Then press
to save the setting and go on to the next one.
Overwrite Doc Overwriting documents tells your machine if it should
overwrite (erase) existing documents when it receives a new one.
Note: This setting is available only when the reception protection setting is
set to off (see Rx Protect above).
On: When your machine receives a new document into this box, it will erase
any documents currently stored in it.
Off: When your machine receives a new document into this box, it will not
erase the documents stored in it. Your machine can store up to 30
documents (each document can include one or more pages) in each box.
Press or until the mode you want appears.
Then press
to save the setting and go on to the next one.
Erase Tx Doc Erasure of transmitted documents tells your machine if it
should erase a document from the box after a caller retrieves (polls) the
On: Your machine erases the document from the box as soon as it sends it. If
you choose “On”, this box can be polled only once per document.
Off: Your machine does not erase a document from the box when it’s polled.
As long as your machine holds
power and you do not erase the docu-
ment from the box, the document is available indefinitely for polling.
Press or until the mode you want appears.
to save the setting. Then skip to step 23.
Erase Tx Doc. :Off
Overwrite Doc. :Off
Auto Print :Off
Rx Protect :Off
Box Type :Bulletin
Advanced features