Chapter 1 Introduction
© National Instruments Corporation 1-19 Xmath Control Design Module
You can use the default exponential discretization method with dt =0.01
and compare frequency responses between the original system and the
discretized system:
ssysd = discretize(ssys, 0.01);
f = freq(ssys,logspace(.001,10,200));
fd = freq(ssysd,logspace(.001,10,200));
In the following statements you compute the gain and phase of both
systems and then plot them.
db = 20*log10(abs(f)); ph = (180/pi)*atan2(f);
dbd = 20*log10(abs(fd)); phd = (180/pi)*atan2(fd);
ylab = ["Gain (dB)";"Phase (deg)"],
x_lab = "Frequency (Hz)",
legend = ["ssys";"ssysd"]})
In Figure 1-11 you can see the frequency responses match closely,
indicating that this discretization method captures the continuous system’s
dynamics accurately.
Figure 1-11. Frequency Response of ssys and Its Discrete Equivalent ssysd