
Chapter 4 System Analysis
Xmath Control Design Module 4-20 ni.com
Get indices of all values > 0.9 * final value:
gt_9_10 = find(Y > 0.9*Yf);
Subtract domain values to get time duration:
tr = domain(Y(gt_9_10(1,1)))-...
tr (a scalar) = 0.8
Get peak value of response:
maxY = max(Y, {channels});
Index and time corresponding to peak value:
maxtp = find(Y == maxY);
tp = domain(Y(maxtp(1)))
tp (a scalar) = 1.6
Convert peak value to a percentage > 1:
Mp = round(10000*(maxY-1))/100
Mp (a scalar) = 23.21
Reformat the step response in reverse time:
Yrev = Y(151:-1:1);
Response values within 0.05 * final value:
gt_05 = find(Yrev <= 0.95*Yf | Yrev >= 1.05*Yf);
Time value of first point within bound:
ts = domain(Yrev(gt_05(1,1)))
ts (a scalar) = 5.1