Navman SmartS™ Professional for Palm OS
Installing the Handheld Software and New Maps
Before installing SmartS Professional onto your handheld, ensure you have completed the following steps:
1 Your handheld was supplied with an installation CD. Ensure that the Palm™ Desktop application from that CD is
installed on your computer. (Palm™ Desktop includes the HotSync® application which is used to transfer data
from your computer to your handheld).
2 Some handheld devices require the use of a memory card writer to download maps to the memory card. Other
devices (such as the Sony CLIÉ
™) give you the option of downloading maps directly into a memory card plugged
into the handheld, or using a memory card writer if you prefer.
• If you are planning to load map data ont o your memory card via a memory card writer, connect the memory
card writer to your computer now. Follow the instructions supplied with your memory card writer to install
the appropriate drivers onto your computer.
• Alternatively, if you are a Sony CLIÉ user, you can download maps directly to a memory card plugged into
your handheld using either the MS Export or Data Export utility. You will fi nd one of these applications on the
installation CD supplied with your handheld.
3 Make sure you have a memory card available with enough space to load the required map regions.
You are now ready to start installing the SmartS Professional for Palm OS
5 navigation solution onto your handheld.
Installation is a four-step process. Make sure you complete each step correctly:
Step 1 ...... Connect the handheld to your computer.
Step 2 ...... Install the SmartSProfessional application onto your handheld.
Step 3 ...... Install the maps you require onto your handheld.
Step 4 ...... Read this User Manual and the Quick Start Guide.
5-1 Step 1: Connect the Handheld to Your Computer
Please refer to your handheld manual for instructions on connecting the handheld to your computer via HotSync.
Tip: The main
advantage of using
a memory card
writer is that the map
download is faster.
Note: Maps must be
stored on a memory
card. SmartS
Professional will not
operate without a
memory card plugged
into your handheld.