Navman SmartS™ Professional for Palm OS
7-5 Obtaining a GPS Fix
Your handheld receives GPS signals through the GPS Receiver. In order for the receiver to receive signals:
1 Your handheld must be outside or in a vehicle parked outside – sunlight alone is not suffi cient (e.g. through the
window of a building).
2 Position the GPS Receiver:
• With a good view of the sky.
• Away from buildings, trees or large metal objects.
• Away from sources of electrical interference.
When you fi rst power on your handheld or if SmartS Professional has not had a fi x for several hours, it may take
several minutes to obtain a GPS fi x. You can minimize the amount of time that this takes by remaining stationary in your
vehicle until SmartS Professional has a position fi x.
7-6 To Check GPS Reception
You will know when SmartS Professional has a GPS fi x by the symbols
on your Map Screen. When SmartS Professional has no fi x, the position
indicator in the middle of the screen will be colored red and the words
“Waiting for GPS” will be displayed. Also, while SmartS Professional is
attempting to obtain a fi x, you will notice that there are no route instructions
displayed on the Map Screen.
To check GPS reception at any time, return to the MAIN MENU and select
GPS STATUS (see Section 12-2 GPS Settings). If the GPS receiver is only
receiving signals from a few satellites, consider moving the GPS receiver to
a more open place.
Tip: In order to
attain good GPS
performance, signals
must be picked up
from three or more
satellites. To check
satellite reception,
see Section 12 Using
the GPS Status
Note: The position
indicates your
current position. A
red pointer indicates
no GPS fi x and a blue
pointer indicates a
valid GPS fi x.