Security Settings
N300 Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router DGN2200v3
1. On the Port Triggering screen, click Add Service. The following screen displays:
2. In the Service Name field, type a descriptive service name.
3. In the Service
User list, select Any (the default) to allow this service to be used by any
computer on the Internet. Otherwise, select Single address, and enter the IP address of
one computer to restrict the service to a particular computer.
4. Select
the service type, either TCP or UDP or both (TCP/UDP). If you are not sure, select
5. In the T
riggering Port field, enter the number of the outbound traffic port that will cause the
inbound ports to be opened.
6. Ente
r the inbound connection port information in the Connection Type, Starting Port, and
Ending Port fields.
7. Click App
ly. The service appears in the Port Triggering Portmap table.