Advanced Settings
N300 Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router DGN2200v3
Advanced Wireless Settings
To view or change advanced wireless settings:
1. Select Adv
anced > Wireless Settings to display the following screen:
Note: The advanced WPS settings section is not displayed if you selected
WEP as the security option.
2. If you make changes, click Apply. Note that the WLAN settings come from the settings you
made in the Wireless Settings screen (see Wireless Settings Screen on p
age 33).
Advanced Wireless Settings
• Enable Wireless Router Radio. When this check box is selected, the modem router
works as an access point broadcasting a wireless signal.
Note: The wireless router radio can also be turned off and on with the
Wireless button
on the front panel of the router. If this button is
pressed, then the Enable Wireless Router Rad
io check box is
automatically updated.
• The remaining settings in this section of the screen, Fragmentation Length, CTS/RTS
Threshold, and Preamble Mode are used for testing and should not be changed.